1. LO01: Traffic accidents with casualties, fatalities and injured by municipalities, administrative division as at 01.01.2018

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. Municipality: Estonia, Harju county, ..Anija municipality, ..Harku municipality, ..., County unknown (104)
    2. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2023 (12)
    3. Indicator: All traffic accidents with casualties, ..Collision with pedestrian, ..Collision with cyclist, ..Collision with scooter driver, ..., Fatalities in traffic accidents (8)

  2. LO02: Traffic accidents with casualties, fatalities and injured by municipalities (2000-2017)

    Modified: 9/24/2019

    1. Municipality: ESTONIA, HARJU COUNTY, ..Keila city, ..Loksa city, ..., County uncrossed (265)
    2. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2017 (18)
    3. Indicator: All traffic accidents with casualties, ..Collision with pedestrian, ..Collision with bicycle, Fatalities in traffic accidents, Injured in traffic accidents (5)

  3. LO03: Traffic accidents with drunk drivers by county and age group (2010-2013)

    Modified: 3/10/2014

    1. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Võru county (21)
    2. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18-24, 25-40, ..., 65+ (6)
    3. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, (4)

  4. LO04: Traffic accidents with casualities, fatalities and injured by county (2007-2012)

    Modified: 2/26/2013

    1. Year: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, ..., 2012 (6)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Võru county (21)
    3. Indicator: Traffic accidents with casualities, Fatalities due to traffic accidents, Injured due to traffic accidents, Traffic accidents with drunk drivers, ..., ..injured in traffic accidents with drunk drivers (6)

  5. MT01: Indicators for County Overviews of Health and Wellbeing (2006-2010)

    Modified: 11/12/2011

    1. Indicator: Crude rate of natural increase, per 1000 inhabitants, Net migration, per 1000 inhabitants, Elderly (65+ years old) people, %, Young (0-14 years old) people, %, ..., Serious and deadly work-related accidents, per 100 000 work aged employed inhabitants (40)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Võru county (18)

  6. PO01: Drunk drivers in charge of a motor vehicle caught by police by municipalities (2012-2016)

    Modified: 12/14/2017

    1. Municipality: ESTONIA, HARJU COUNTY, ..Keila city, ..Loksa city, ..., Caught place unmarked (264)
    2. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (5)

  7. PO02: Drunk drivers in charge of a motor vehicle caught by police and rate per 100 000 inhabitants by municipalities, administrative division as at 01.01.2018

    Modified: 9/19/2024

    1. Indicator: Number, Rate per 100 000 inhabitants, (2)
    2. Municipality: ESTONIA, Harju county, ..Anija municipality, ..Harku municipality, ..., Caught place unmarked (101)
    3. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, ..., 2023 (7)

  8. PO03: Misdemeanors (breach of public order, alcohol act violation, misdemeanor drug use by minors and drunk driving) and rate per 100 000 inhabitants by municipalities, administrative division as at 01.01.2018

    Modified: 9/19/2024

    1. Indicator: Number, Rate per 100 000 inhabitants, (2)
    2. Municipality: ESTONIA, Harju county, ..Anija municipality, ..Harku municipality, ..., Place unmarked (101)
    3. Type of misdemeanor: Breaches of public order (Penal Code § 262), Alcohol Act violations, Misdemeanor drug use by minors, Drunk driving (Road Traffic Act § 224), (4)
    4. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, ..., 2023 (7)

  9. TO01: Occupational accidents by county where the accident took place

    Modified: 3/21/2024

    1. County: All countries, Foreign countries, Estonia, ..Harju county, ..., Location undetermined (20)
    2. Type of occupational accident: All occupational accidents, ..mild occupational accidents, ..severe occupational accidents, ..fatal occupational accidents, (4)
    3. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2023 (19)
    4. Indicator: Number, Rate per 100 000 employed persons (16-retirement age), Rate per 100 000 employed persons (15-74 years), (3)

  10. TUL01: Fires, deaths and injured due to fires in Harju county municipalities (2004-2011)

    Modified: 6/10/2013

    1. Municipality: Harju county (without Tallinn), Aegviidu municipality, Anija municipality, Harku municipality, ..., Viimsi municipality (33)
    2. Indicator: All fires, ..Fires in buildings, ..Fires in desolate buildings and structures, ..Motor-vehicle fires, ..., Injured in fires (8)
    3. Year: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ..., 2011 (8)

  11. TUL02: Deaths due to fires by county

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Võru county (18)
    2. Year: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ..., 2023 (20)

  12. TUL03: Causes of building fires by county

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2023 (14)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., Võru county (16)
    3. Starting reason: BUILDING FIRES TOTAL, Total of carelessness, ..carelessness with open flame, ..smoking, ..., Undetermined or other causes (27)

  13. TUL04: Fires (including residential and non-residential building fires) by municipalities, administrative division as at 01.01.2018

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. Municipality: Estonia, Harju county, ..Anija municipality, ..Harku municipality, ..., ..Võru municipality (95)
    2. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, ..., 2023 (7)
    3. Indicator: Total fires, ..residential building fires, ....in unused residential buildings, ..non-residential building fires, ..., ..motor vehicles, means of transport (9)

  14. TUL05: Fires, fire deaths and injured and saved from fire by municipalities (2013-2016)

    Modified: 3/21/2017

    1. Municipality: ESTONIA, HARJU COUNTY, ..Keila city, ..Loksa city, ..., ..Võru municipality (254)
    2. Indicator: FIRES TOTAL, ..building fires, ....residential building fires, ....other building fires, ..., Persons saved from fires (13)
    3. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, (4)

  15. UP01: Drownings registered by Rescue Board by county

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Võru county (18)
    2. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2023 (16)

  16. UP02: Drownings, activity before drowning and saved from water accidents by municipalities (2013-2016)

    Modified: 3/21/2017

    1. Municipality: ESTONIA, HARJU COUNTY, ..Keila city, ..Loksa city, ..., ..Võru municipality (254)
    2. Indicator: Drowning casualties in water accidents total, ..inland waters, transboundary water and nearshore sea area drownings, ..offshore drownings, All activities before drowning, ..., Persons saved from water accidents (20)
    3. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, (4)

  17. UP03: Drownings and rate per 100 000 inhabitants by municipalities, administrative division as at 01.01.2018

    Modified: 3/26/2024

    1. Municipality: Estonia, Harju county, ..Anija municipality, ..Harku municipality, ..., ..Võru municipality (95)
    2. Indicator: Number, Rate per 100 000 inhabitants, (2)
    3. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, ..., 2023 (7)