1. VSR01: Breast cancer screening target population and women invited to screening by health insurance, county and age

    Modified: 1/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2024 (10)
    2. Target population / Invited to screening: Target population, Invited to screening, (2)
    3. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    4. County: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., County unknown (17)
    5. Age: All ages, 50, 52, 54, ..., 74 (16)

  2. VSR02: Breast cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by age

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Age: All ages, 50, 52, 54, ..., 69 (14)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)

  3. VSR03: Breast cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by county

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)

  4. VSR04: Breast cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in women invited to screening by health insurance and age

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. Age: All ages, 50, 52, 54, ..., 69 (14)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)

  5. VSR05: Breast cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in women invited to screening by health insurance and county

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)

  6. VSR07: Detected cancer cases in breast cancer screening programme

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Indicator: Target population, Excluded from screening (cancer diagnosed and/or mammography done before the screening programme), Invited to screening, Did not participate in screening programme, ..., Cancer detected among non-participants (22)
    2. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2021 (7)

  7. VSR11: Cervical cancer screening target population and women invited to screening by health insurance, county and age

    Modified: 1/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2024 (10)
    2. Target population / Invited to screening: Target population, Invited to screening, (2)
    3. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    4. County: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., County unknown (17)
    5. Age: All ages, 30, 35, 40, ..., 65 (9)

  8. VSR12: Cervical cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by age

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Age: All ages, 30, 35, 40, ..., 65 (9)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)

  9. VSR13: Cervical cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by county

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)

  10. VSR14: Cervical cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in women invited to screening by health insurance and age

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. Age: All ages, 30, 35, 40, ..., 65 (9)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)

  11. VSR15: Cervical cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in women invited to screening by health insurance and county

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)

  12. VSR17: Detected cancer cases in cervical cancer screening programme

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Indicator: Target population, Excluded from screening (cancer diagnosed before the screening programme), Invited to screening, Did not participate in the screening programme, ..., Cancer detected among non-participants (22)
    2. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2021 (7)

  13. VSR21: Colorectal cancer screening target population and men and women invited to screening by health insurance, county, age and sex

    Modified: 1/25/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2024 (9)
    2. Target population / Invited to screening: Target population, Invited to screening, (2)
    3. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    4. County: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., County unknown (17)
    5. Age: All ages, 60, 62, 64, ..., 68 (6)
    6. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  14. VSR22: Colorectal cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by age and sex

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Age: All ages, 60, 62, 64, ..., 68 (6)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  15. VSR23: Colorectal cancer screening coverage by examination in target population by county and sex

    Modified: 4/25/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    3. Indicator: Target population, Screened, Coverage by examination in target population (%), (3)
    4. Sex: Men and woman, Men, Woman, (3)

  16. VSR24: Colorectal cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in individuals invited to screening by health insurance, age and sex

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. Age: All ages, 60, 62, 64, ..., 68 (6)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)
    5. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  17. VSR25: Colorectal cancer screening invitational coverage and coverage by examination in individuals invited to screening by health insurance, county and sex

    Modified: 5/28/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Health insurance: With and without health insurance, With health insurance, Without health insurance, (3)
    3. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., County unknown (19)
    4. Indicator: Invited to screening, Invitation sent, Invitational coverage (%), Screened, Coverage by examination in women invited to screening (%) (5)
    5. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  18. VSR27: Detected cancer cases in colorectal cancer screening programme

    Modified: 5/21/2024

    1. Indicator: Target population, Excluded from screening (cancer diagnosed before the screening programme), Invited to screening, Did not participate in the screening programme, ..., Cancer detected among non-participants (22)
    2. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2021 (6)