1. VIG10: External causes of injuries by sex, age group and place of residence

    Modified: 6/19/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Place of residence: All places of residence, Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, ..., Residence unknown (20)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes of injuries (V01-Y34 or cause unknown), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ....Pedestrian injured in transport accident (V01-V09), ..., External cause unknown, main diagnosis T79-T98 (34)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18 and older, 0, ..., Age unknown (15)

  2. VIG11: External causes of injuries per 100 000 inhabitants by sex, age group and place of residence

    Modified: 6/19/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Place of residence: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., Võru county (16)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes of injuries (V01-Y34 or cause unknown), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ..Other accidents (W00-X59), ..., External cause unknown (14)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18 and older, 0-4, ..., 85 and older (13)

  3. VIG12: External causes of injuries by place of occurence, age group and place of residence

    Modified: 6/19/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Place of residence: All places of residence, Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, ..., Residence unknown (20)
    3. Place of occurence: All places, Home, Other places, Place unspecified or unknown, (4)
    4. External cause (ICD-10): External causes of injuries W00-Y34 or cause unknown, Accidental injuries, except transport accidents (W00-X59), ..Falls (W00-W19), ..Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces (W20-W49), ..., External cause unknown (15)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18 and older, 0, ..., Age unknown (15)

  4. VIG13: Persons that needed treatment due to injuries by external cause, sex, age group and place of residence

    Modified: 6/19/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Place of residence: All places of residence, Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, ..., Residence unknown (20)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes of injuries (V01-Y34 or cause unknown), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ....Pedestrian injured in transport accident (V01-V09), ..., External cause unknown, main diagnosis T79-T98 (34)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18 and older, 0, ..., Age unknown (15)

  5. VIG14: Persons that needed treatment due to injuries per 100 000 inhabitants by external cause, sex, age group and place of residence

    Modified: 6/19/2024

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Place of residence: Estonia, Harju county, Hiiu county, Ida-Viru county, ..., Võru county (16)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes of injuries (V01-Y34 or cause unknown), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ..Other accidents (W00-X59), ..., External cause unknown (14)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-17, 18 and older, 0-4, ..., 85 and older (13)

  6. VIG30: External causes of injuries by activity, sex and age group (1998-2016)

    Modified: 10/25/2017

    1. Year: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, ..., 2016 (19)
    2. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes (V01-Y34), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ..Falls (W00-W19), ..., Undetermined intent (Y10-Y34) (15)
    3. Activity code (ICD-10): All activities (0-9), Sports activities (0), Leisure activities (1), Working for income (2), ..., Other specified and unspecified activities (8, 9) (7)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15 and older, (3)

  7. VIG31: External causes of injuries by sex, age group and county (1998-2016)

    Modified: 10/25/2017

    1. Year: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, ..., 2016 (19)
    2. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes (V01-Y34), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ..Falls (W00-W19), ..., Undetermined intent (Y10-Y34) (15)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15 and older, (3)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Hiiu county, ..., Estonian Defence Forces (19)

  8. VIG32: External causes of injuries per 100 000 inhabitants by activity, sex and age group (1998-2016)

    Modified: 10/25/2017

    1. Year: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, ..., 2016 (19)
    2. External cause (ICD-10): All external causes (V01-Y34), All accidental injuries (V01-X59), ..Transport accidents (V01-V99), ..Falls (W00-W19), ..., Undetermined intent (Y10-Y34) (15)
    3. Activity code (ICD-10): All activities (0-9), Sports activities (0), Leisure activities (1), Working for income (2), ..., Other specified and unspecified activities (8, 9) (7)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15 and older, (3)