1. NR001: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by county, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, Ida-Viru county, Tartu county, Other counties (5)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  2. NR002: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by treatment status, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Treatment status: Total, Never previously treated, Previously treated, Unknown, (4)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  3. NR003: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by primary drug, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Primary drug: Total, Opioids, Cocaine, Stimulants (excl. cocaine), ..., Other drugs (7)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  4. NR004: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by route of administration of primary drug, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Route of administration of primary drug: Total, Inject, Eat/drink, Sniff, ..., Unknown (6)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  5. NR005: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by primary diagnosis (three-digit ICD-10 code F11-F19, excl. F17), sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Primary diagnosis: Total, Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids (F11), Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids (F12), Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives/hypnotics (F13), ..., Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of multiple/other psychoactive substances (F19) (9)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  6. NR006: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by drug treatment type, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Drug treatment type: Total, Detoxification, Substitution, Long-term drug program, Psychotherapy/counselling (5)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  7. NR007: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by education, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Education: Total, Basic/less, Secondary, Higher, Unknown (5)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  8. NR008: First drug treatment cases in the calendar year by nationality, sex and age group

    Modified: 10/30/2024

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)
    2. Nationality: Total, Estonian, Non-Estonian, Unknown, (4)
    3. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 65 and older (13)

  9. NR01: Treatment type provided for drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Treatment type: All treatment types, Substitution treatment, Detoxification treatment, Non-medicament treatment, Other treatment (5)

  10. NR02: Diagnosis of drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Diagnosis (ICD-10) and psychoactive substance: F11-F19, F11, due to use of opioids, F12, due to use of cannabinoids, F13, due to use of sedatives or hypnotics, ..., F19, due to use of multiple drug and other psychoactive substances (10)

  11. NR03: Treatment status for drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Treatment status: All treatment statuses, First time in treatment, Previously treated, Not known, (4)

  12. NR04: Primary drug for drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Mainly used substance: All substances, Heroin, Methadone, Fentanyl/3-metylfentanyl, ..., Cannabis (11)

  13. NR05: Main substance use route for drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Substance use route: All routes, Injection, Inhalation, Oral/drinking, ..., Not known (6)

  14. NR06: Drug treatment patients ever sharing syringes by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Sharing syringes: All patients, Have not shared syringes, Have shared syringes, Not known, (4)

  15. NR07: Drug treatment patients injection experience by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Injection experience: All patients, Have never injected, Have injected, Not known, (4)

  16. NR08: Nationality of drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Nationality: All patients, Estonian, Russian, Other nationalities, (4)

  17. NR09: Highest finished educational level of drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Education: All patients, Primary education or less, Elementary education, Secondary education, ..., Not known (7)

  18. NR10: Occupational status of drug treatment patients by sex, age group and county (2008-2017)

    Modified: 11/7/2018

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2017 (10)
    2. County: Estonia, Harju county, ..Tallinn, Ida-Viru county, ..., Other county (7)
    3. Age group: All age groups, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 50 and older (10)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Occupational status: All patients, Employed, Unemployed, Pupil/student, ..., Not known (8)