1. TKU60: Use of condoms when having sexual intercourse with an casual/episodic partner by sex

    Modified: 4/21/2023

    1. Type of data: Weighted, Unweighted, (2)
    2. Year: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, ..., 2022 (12)
    3. Condom use: Always, Almost always, Sometimes, Never, (4)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  2. TKU61: Taking a HIV test by sex

    Modified: 4/21/2023

    1. Type of data: Weighted, Unweighted, (2)
    2. Year: 2008, 2010, 2014, 2018, ..., 2022 (6)
    3. Taking a test: Took during last 12 months, Took more than year ago, Not done, (3)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)

  3. TKU62: Used contraceptive method during last 30 days by sex and age group (2006-2014)

    Modified: 4/15/2021

    1. Type of data: Weighted, Unweighted, (2)
    2. Year: 2006, 2010, 2014, (3)
    3. Method: Contraceptive pills, Common or hormonal spiral, Coitus interruptus, Condom, ..., Did not use anything (9)
    4. Sex: Men and women, Men, Women, (3)
    5. Age group: All age groups (16-64), 16-24, 25-34, 35-44, ..., 55-64 (6)