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Body mass index (BMI) – the weight of an individual in kilograms divided by height in metres squared (kg/m2). Standard BMI cut offs were used:
Educational attainment – the highest level of education an individual has completed. Educational attainment has the following categories:
High blood pressure – blood pressure was measured in a medical laboratory. The calculations are based on the average result of three measurements. High blood pressure is a condition when systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 90 mmHg..
Nationality – self-reported.
Nutrient – a component in foods that is used by an organism to synthesize new molecules, broken down for energy production, or a substance that is necessary for maintaining other physiological processes. Macronutrients (protein, fats, carbohydrates, water) are required in large amounts in the diet, in tens or hundreds of grams per day; micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are required in trace amounts, in micro- or milligrams.
Region – defined based on NUTS 3, a level of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS; French: Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques). NUTS is a standard for referencing subdivisions of the member countries of the European Union and it consists of a hierarchy of three levels: NUTS 1, 2 and 3, corresponding to the largest, medium and smallest subdivisions. In Estonia, NUTS 3 regions include the following counties:
Sodium to potassium ratio (Na/K) – studies have found that a higher ratio of sodium to potassium is a risk factor of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (Levings J. L, Gunn J. P. The Imbalance of Sodium and Potassium Inake: Implications for Dietetic Practice. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014 Jun; 114(6): 838–841.).
Weist to hip ratio (WHR) – A waist to hip ratio of no more than 1 is considered healthy for men and no more than 0,8 is considered healthy for women.
The salt consumption study was carried out in 01.05.2021-30.04.2022. The random sample for the survey was selected in the Population Register, the strata included age, gender and area of residence. The sample included 20 562 participants. The study was approved by the Tallinn Medical Research Ethics Committee (study no. 2180; decision no. 613; 21.01.2021).
The survey consisted of the following stages:
In total, 19029 survey invitations were sent out. 598 subjects completed the study (including 292 men and 306 women), the overall participation rate was 3.1%.
The blood sample was used for selenium analysis. 24h urine was used for sodium (Na), potassium (K), fluoride (F), iodine (I), creatinine and selenium (Se) analysis.
Na, K, Se, I quantities (in grams) are calculated according to the formula:
n=m/M, n – the amount of substance (mol); m – the mass of substance (g), M – the molar mass (g/mol).
Salt (NaCl) intake was calculated using the equation: 1 g salt=17.1 mmol of sodium (Na).
The 24-hour food diaries/interviews provided an overview of all the foods and the amounts that the participants reported during two consecutive days. The tables published in this database are based on the average intake of two survey days. The participants’ daily energy and nutrient intakes were calculated considering everything they ate with the help of NutriData food composition database.
Results reported in this database are not weighted.
Aaspõllu A, Eensoo D, Põlajev A, Saamel M. Eesti rahvastiku soola tarbimise uuring. Lõppraport. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2022. Publication in Estonian (summary in English) in pdf-format
Additonal information about the Salt consumption study can be found in National Institute for Health Development website (in Estonian)
Marge Saamel
Department of Nutrition and Physical Activity
National Institute for Health Development
E-mail: marge.saamel[at]
Renewed: 29.02.2024