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Educational level – the highest level of education completed by the time of the survey. People with higher education have graduated higher educational institution and their average study period is 15–16 years. According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011 vocational education based on general secondary education is considered equal to the first level of vocational higher education and is presented under higher education. People with secondary education have graduated high school, gymnasium or some other educational institution that provides secondary education and their average study period is 10–14 years. A group with basic education or with lower educational level is formed by those persons who have not acquired the secondary education (including persons without primary education).
Household – the term refers to all individuals who live in the same dwelling and share to some extent the joint budget which is usually the food budget. The household can also have only one member. Persons who are temporarily away (due to their work, studies or military service) are considered as the household members in case they have retained economic relations with their household. In case the household member is temporarily (less than 4 months) in the nursing home, he also belongs to the household.
Nationality – depends on a person’s self-definition and is not unambiguously related to the person's mother tongue, but should be in accordance with at least one of his or her parents' nationality.
Region of residence – the statistical classification of Estonian territorial units NUTS 3 is used to define the region.
Settlement type – divided by capital, other urban settlements and rural settlements. Other urban settlement is an administrative unit which population density is more than 100 people per square kilometer, excluding Tallinn. The administrative unit with a lower population density is considered to be a rural settlement.
Estonian family and fertility survey is an history panel study that collects data on family planning, family, work and everyday life of Estonians aged 18-59. Conducted from October 2021 to spring 2022. The Estonian Demographic Center of Tallinn University and Kantar Emor are conducting the survey.
Survey questionnaires are published on the GGP2020 Estonia website:
Katus K, Puur A, Põldma A. EEesti Pere- ja Sündimusuuring. Teine ring, Standardtabelid: välispäritolu rahvastik. Estonian family and fertility survey. 2nd round. Standard tabulations: foreign-origin population. Tallinn: Eesti Kõrgkoolidevaheline Demouuringute Keskus; 2009.
Katus K, Puur A, Põldma A. Eesti pere- ja sündimusuuring. Teine ring. Standardtabelid. Estonian family and fertility survey. Second round, Standard tabulations. Tallinn: Eesti Kõrgkoolidevaheline Demouuringute Keskus; 2008.
Katus K, Puur A, Sakkeus L. Eesti pere- ja sündimusuuring: standardtabelid. Estonian family and fertility survey: standard tabulations. Tallinn: Eesti Kõrgkoolidevaheline Demouuringute Keskus; 1995.
additional info and questionnaires (in Estonian)
Estonian family and fertility survey
Tallinn University Estonian Demographic Center
Allan Puur puur[at]
Updated: 23.12.2022