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Alcohol unit – approximately 4 cl 40% strong alcoholic drinks or 12 cl 12% wine is one alcohol unit; 0,5 l beer (5,2%) are two alcohol units. One alcohol unit contains 10 g of absolute alcohol.
Amount of absolute alcohol – the calculation was based on the methodology that equals one unit of alcohol and 10 g of absolute alcohol.
Body mass index (BMI) – is calculated by dividing the body weight in kilograms (kg) by height in meters (m) squared. Pregnant women were asked to indicate their weight before pregnancy.
Current smoker – a person who currently smokes every day and who smoked yesterday or today the last time.
Level of education – primary education equals to first 6 classes/school years, basic education means 7–9 school years, secondary education or secondary specialized education mean 10–12 school years and higher education is 13 or more years of study.
Non-smoker – a person who has never smoked.
Non-working people – pupils/students, conscripts, people staying at home and non-working pensioners.
Occasional smoker – a person who smokes occasionally in the present period.
Region of residence – the regions are divided by NUTS3 as follows:
Visualized data on a NIHD's Tableau page
The study Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population is conducted each even year starting from 1990; and until 2010 formed a part of the Finbalt Health Monitor (Finbalt) co-operative study in which Lithuania, Latvia and Finland participate as well. Conducting the study each time on the basis of common methodology and employing a questionnaire that in a large part contains identical questions, enables the monitoring and analysis of alterations of specific indicators of health behavior over a long period.
For the purposes of the study, a simple random sample from the Estonian population aged between 16 to 64 is ordered from the Population Registry; the sample consists of 5000 individuals. The questionnaire includes the same questions to all participants of the Finbalt survey, and essential Estonian-specific additional questions. As the population register does not register ethnic nationality on a systematic basis, a Russian form was sent to everybody whose mother tongue was not Estonian according to the registered information, or – in case the information was missing – to all persons whose name and family name sounded foreign.
Reile R, Veideman T. Eesti täiskasvanud rahvastiku tervisekäitumise uuring 2022. Metoodika ja standardtabelite kogumik. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2023. Report in pdf-format
Reile R, Veideman T. Eesti täiskasvanud rahvastiku tervisekäitumise uuring 2020. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2021. Report in pdf-format
Reile R, Tekkel M, Veideman T. Eesti Täiskasvanud Rahvastiku Tervisekäitumise Uuring, 2018. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2018. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2019. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T. Eesti Täiskasvanud Rahvastiku Tervisekäitumise Uuring, 2016. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2016. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2017. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T. Eesti Täiskasvanud Rahvastiku Tervisekäitumise Uuring, 2014. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population, 2014. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2015. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population 2012. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2013. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population 2010. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2011. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T, Rahu M. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population 2008. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2009. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T, Rahu M. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population 2006. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2007. Report in pdf-format
Tekkel M, Veideman T, Rahu M. Health Behavior among Estonian Adult Population 2004. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2005. Report in pdf-format
Rainer Reile
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
National Institute for Health Development
E-mail: Rainer.Reile[at]
Updated: 21.04.2023