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Age – age at the time of diagnosis of the malignant neoplasm. Calculation is based on birth month and year.
Age-specific incidence rate – annual number of new cases per 100,000 mean annual population of the same age group.
County – place of residence. Until 2017, data by the counties is distributed by the administrative division that existed before administrative reform (October 2017). Data starting from 2018 is distributed by new administrative division.
Crude incidence rate – expresses the number of new cases per population during a certain time interval, calculated per certain number of persons or inhabitants (usually 100,000). Incidence rate equals the annual number of new cases divided by mean annual population (total population, male population or female population) expressed per 100,000 inhabitants.
ICD-10 – international statistical classification of diseases and health-related problems, 10th edition.
Incidence – a process that indicates the rate of disease occurrence in the population.
Malignant neoplasms (site) – ICD-10 chapters C00–C97.
Mean annual population – half of the sum of year start and year end population.
Number of incidence cases – the number of newly diagnosed cases during a certain time interval.
The information on malignant neoplasms is derived from the database of the Estonian Cancer Register.
The basis of case registration is the form “Notification for Cancer Register”, established by the decree of the Minister of Health and Work "Statutes of Cancer Register" of March 6, 2019.
The diagnoses are classified by the Estonian Cancer Register using the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd edition (ICD-O-3) that includes two independent coding systems for the topography and morphology of neoplasms. Disease statistics are presented using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10). The ICD-O-3 codes are converted to ICD-10 codes using a relevant transfer program created by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and International Association of Cancer Registries (
The registration of multiple tumours is based on rules developed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, International Association of Cancer Registries and European Network of Cancer Registries (International Rules for Multiple Primary Cancers (ICD-O Third Edition). IARC Internal Report No. 2004/02. Lyon, 2004).
The distribution of incidence cases between counties and larger citys is based on the place of residence at the time of diagnosis.
The data for the whole country are presented by site and/or site groupings and all malignant neoplasms of chapters C00–C97 of the ICD-10 are presented. County data as well as data for Tallinn and Tartu are presented by site groupings and selected sites.
Time shift between incidence data and reporting year is caused by the need to specify data collected by the register and is in accordance with the recommendations of the International Association of Cancer Registries.
More information can be found on National Institute for Health Development's web page.
The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10)
Data is provided using the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases and Health-related problems (ICD-10). Malignant neoplasms are included in sections C00–C97 and three-digit codes are used for registration except for subsets of lymphoid leukaemia and myeloid leukaemia.
Site groupings (ICD-10 code):
Classification of Administrative and Settlement Units of Estonia (EHAK)
This classification is used upon submission of regional statistics. Malignant neoplasms' statistics are submitted by 15 counties. Data fo Tallinn and Tartu are published as well. Until 2017, data by the counties is distributed by the administrative division that existed before administrative reform (October 2017). Data starting from 2018 is distributed by new administrative division. This classification system is available on the webpage of the Statistics Estonia in the Classifications section.
Mägi M, Härmaorg P, Kullamaa L, Nõmm O, Innos K. Vähk Eestis: haigestumus 2019 ja elulemus 2015–2019. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2022. Analysis in Estonian is available here (summary in English)
Zimmermann M-L, Mägi M, Härmaorg P, Innos K. Cancer in Estonia 2018. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2021. Analysis is available here
Mägi M, Härmaorg P, Innos K. Cancer in Estonia 2017. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2020. Analysis is available here
Aareleid T, Zimmermann M-L, Baburin A, Innos K. Divergent trends in lung cancer incidence by gender, age and histological type in Estonia: a nationwide population-based study. BMC Cancer 2017;17:596 Article is available here
National Institute for Health Development of Estonia, The National Health Service of Latvia, Health Information Centre, Institute of Hygiene, Lithuania. Health in the Baltic Countries 2016. Tallinn: National Institute for Health Development; 2018. Report is available here
Parkin DM. The evolution of the population-based cancer registry. Nat Rev Cancer 2006;6:603–12.
IARC. International Rules for Multiple Primary Cancers (ICD-O Third Edition). IARC Internal Report No. 2004/02. Lyon: IARC; 2004.
Aareleid T, Mägi M, toim. Vähihaigestumus Eestis 2000 – Cancer Incidence in Estonia 2000. Tallinn: Estonian Cancer Register and North-Estonian Regional Hospital Foundation; 2003.
Parkin DM, Chen VW, Ferlay J, Calceran J, Storm HH, Whelan SL. Comparability and Quality Control in Cancer Registration. IARC Technical Report No. 19. Lyon: IARC; 1994.
Jensen OM, Parkin DM, Maclennan R, Muir CS, Skeet RG, et al. Cancer Registration Principles and Methods. IARC Scientific Publications No. 95. Lyon: IARC; 1991.
Cancer in Five Continents
Global Cancer Observatory
European Network of Cancer Registries
ECIS - European Cancer Information System
More information can be found on National Institute for Health Development's web page.
Margit Mägi
Estonian Cancer Register
National Institute for Health Development
Phone: +372 5770 4233
E-mail: Margit.Magi[at]
Renewed: 22.04.2024